Home Euthanasia – FAQ’s2024-11-13T10:51:32+00:00

Home Euthanasia – FAQ’s

Will there be a lot of paperwork?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

No, only a simple consent form is needed to proceed.

Are the Vets fully Qualified?2025-02-19T14:34:04+00:00

Yes, All the Vets in our network that provide Home Euthanasia services are independent, fully qualified and licensed under the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

When is the right time to consider euthanasia?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

This is a deeply personal decision and can only be made by you. If your pet’s quality of life is severely compromised, choosing home euthanasia sooner rather than later can prevent unnecessary suffering. Our veterinarians are here to provide guidance and answer any questions to help you make the best choice for your pet.

How can I tell if my pet is in pain?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00
Pets may show signs of pain differently, often in subtle ways. Here are some common indicators that your pet may be in discomfort:
  • Changes in appetite or drinking habits
  • Withdrawal from activities, hiding, or reduced interest in play
  • Behavioural changes, such as confusion, irritability, or unusual reactions
  • Difficulty standing up or moving around
  • Increased incontinence during the day or night
  • Changes in sleeping patterns – either more or less than usual
  • Vocal changes, such as excessive noise or sudden silence in normally “talkative” pets
Also realising that not all behaviours are an indication of pain. For example, cats may still purr when in pain or may be vocal in a way that sounds concerning even if they feel at ease.
What happens during the euthanasia process?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

Some owners prefer not to know the specific details. However if you would like more information, you can find a full description on our pet euthanasia page, or we’re happy to answer your questions personally. Once the home euthanasia has been completed, we can take your pet away straight away for cremation, or you may prefer to spend a little time with them before the collection.

Does euthanasia hurt my pet?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

No, the process is peaceful and free of pain. Your pet will gently drift into unconsciousness and will not feel any pain. Aside from the tiny prick of the injection, there is no discomfort. The key benefit of home euthanasia is that your pet remains stress free during the process, which is not always the case if you need to visit your veterinary practice.

Why might I choose to say goodbye to my pet at home?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

There any many reasons, the majority of pets do not like the Vets and will get anxious and stressed, allowing your pet to stay in their own home environment creates no stress or anxiety for them and they are surrounded by the people they love. You do not have to worry about leaving your pet in cold room and walking out of a vets practice when you are heartbroken.

Do I have to be present throughout the process?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00
Most pet owners choose to stay with their pets during this time, especially when it takes place at home. If it becomes too overwhelming, you are welcome to step away, knowing that your pet is in the compassionate care of a skilled and caring veterinarian. You may also return for a final farewell afterward if you wish.
Can I choose where to do this?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

Yes you can, you can choose anywhere to do this, inside / outside, in a favourite place etc. This is completely your choice and this service is designed to make you and your pet as comfortable as possible

How long does euthanasia take?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

On average the process takes around 30 minutes.

Is there treatment available for my elderly or ill pet?2024-11-12T15:38:32+00:00

We do not provide treatments for elderly or ill pets, as we do not know their history or have access to their records. If you have chosen home euthanasia, please ensure you are comfortable with this decision and if required, have pursued any treatment options.

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